12 November 2015

7 chakras - week 1

Some mechanical painting to ease me back into work mode... a commission for a wellness centre:

acrylic on canvas, each 91 x 25cm

10 November 2015

the return of plastic person

Ducunt volentum fata,
nolentem trahunt

"The fates guide those who will.
Those who won't
They drag."

I'm back.  After a one & half year's hiatus from work, during which I helped a mate start up a plant and tree nursery, and which sent me into a serious withdrawal mode, I'm back in my studio. 

So send your ideas my way.

In the meantime here are some doodles I did on a lucky trip to the wondrous land of 
South Korea:

...and check out Book of Whimsy for more of my art, and poetry too...